Removal of "widgets" property from dashboard search APIs


In order to improve performance and reduce load on other portions of the platform, we are removing the “widgets” property from APIs that query or bulk fetch groups of dashboards. Providing this data on bulk fetches has been found to impact scalability and stability of this feature.

Change Category


Change Context

When providing widget data for an API response we have to make an unbounded number of permissions checks, causing these API calls have a very low Apdex rating. An older version on the UI used the data from the bulk fetches to render card views of the dashboards. As that UI is now a list instead of a card view, the widget data is no longer needed.

Change Impact

No action is required for users. There is no customer utilization of these APIs.

Date of Change

Oct 13, 2023

Impacted APIs

GET api/v2/analytics/reporting/settings/dashboards
POST api/v2/analytics/reporting/settings/dashboards/query



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