Remove coreLanguage property from the knowledge base update request contract


It is not possible to update the coreLanguage property of a knowledge base after it is created. The update request contract specification mistakenly still shows the coreLanguage property as required, but that request property is ignored when updating the knowledge base (only name and description can be updated).

This change creates separate contracts for knowledge base create and knowledge base update endpoints and removes the coreLanguage property from the update contract to make it clear which knowledge base property is required/optional in each contract.

Change Category


Change Context

The update knowledge base API endpoint documentation misleadingly indicates that the coreLanguage property can be updated. Removing that property from the contract will make it clear that only the knowledge base name and description can be updated. The API will also be easier to use, since it won't require clients anymore to unnecessarily send the coreLanguage property.

Change Impact

No impact. The coreLanguage property in an update request is ignored. We are removing it from the contract.

Date of Change


Impacted APIs

PATCH /api/v2/knowledge/knowledgebases/{knowledgeBaseId}



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