Requirements for switching participant in a warm transfer

Okay, so I have buttons working to start and cancel a warm transfer. But when trying to switch who I'm talking to (the person I started the transfer with or the caller) I'm getting the error "The destination address was not specified." Here's my code (again, apologies for how this Markdown variant butchers my newlines):

// Where "flipped" is a variable that represents who I'm on with conversations.postConversationsCallParticipantConsult(activeSession.conversationId, callerID, { speakTo: flipped? 'OBJECT' : 'DESTINATION' // Also tried 'DESTINATION' : 'OBJECT' - same result }).then(...).catch(/* logs the error */);

Now "OBJECT" is something I managed to glean off the interwebz - it's not in the docs anywhere I could see (though that could be my vision talking - I've been dealing with a weird graphical glitch that's causing some docs pages to go nuts - see my post in "site feedback" lol). So I could be way out in left field on this. What else does it need? The docs don't seem to say.

EDIT: Also, "callerID" is the caller's ID; I've also tried "" (where activeSession is an event object from sdk.on(I think 'sessionStarted')). But when I do that, instead of the error above, I got something like "you are not a participant" even though I am. That was another laugh-and-a-half, digging up an old forum post where someone else ran into that error (as I was). So if it's not the agent and it's not the caller then...? Maybe it is supposed to be the caller, as I have it, but the issue is not with participant ID at all. Maybe I'm missing some unknown parameter besides "speakTo"?

Hi @LighthouseMike ! Hope you are doing well and thank you for bringing this up to us.

I could be way off base and possibly misunderstanding, but looking at the link you provided I think what you would want is the PATCH call that then takes { "speakTo": flipped? }. From what I'm understanding, that seems to be the proper call when wanting to switch who you are talking to while the transfer is active. It will be using the same endpoint.

The updates to the conversation after this request will include the addition of the new conversation participant.
While the consult transfer is in progress, the initiator can change who they are speaking to.

The above text is from the document above the PATCH example. Unsure if this will help but let us know when you get the chance! Thank you!

Yes, this was it. I had the wrong... I think it was participant ID (I thought it was mine, like with a lot of other calls, and it turned out to be the callers, or something goofy like that). I was at the point of making a spreadsheet with all the different possible combinations of conversation ID, participant ID and body. I'll look up how I pulled it off next time I get a chance to share how I did it. I guess the short version is "process of elimination" lol

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