Permission requirements are being added to all of the /api/v2/integrations/credentials endpoints.
The “GET” endpoints will require the the “Integrations->Integration->View” permission to retrieve information about credentials.
The “POST /api/v2/integrations/credentials” endpoint will require the “Integrations->Integration->Add” permission in order to create a new credential.
The “DELETE /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId}” endpoint will require the “Integrations->Integration->Delete” permission in order to delete an existing credential.
The “PUT /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId}” endpoint will require the “Integrations->Integration->Edit” permission in order to modify an existing credential.
Change Category
Change Context
We are introducing this change to enable organizations to control which users can create, view, edit, and delete credentials.
Change Impact
Organizational administrators will have to ensure that users who are authorized to configure credentials have the proper permissions. Users who modify credentials would typically already have the corresponding "Integrations -> Integration" permissions, so it is likely that minimal changes will be required.
Date of Change
Jul 01, 2024
Impacted APIs
GET /api/v2/integrations/credentials
GET /api/v2/integrations/credentials/types
GET /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId}
POST /api/v2/integrations/credentials
DELETE /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId}
PUT /api/v2/integrations/credentials/{credentialId}