Service Level Numerator Calculation

Per /analytics/aggregate/conversation-query it is stated that the numerator for Service Level is calculated using “tAnswered.Count - nOverSla.Count”

  • I understand why we are using “count” for “tAnswered” (since this is essentially counting the number of calls that had some length of time spent waiting in the queue)

  • but I don’t understand why we would use “count” for “nOverSla.” My understanding is that “nOverSla” is already a count of the calls that missed the SL target… so wouldn’t we use “nOverSla.sum” instead? Or am I understanding/thinking about that wrong?

Service level is a percentage that reflects the amount of conversations that were answered within SLA. The numerator of that calculation needs to be the total amount of conversations that were answered within that threshold. We do that by taking the total amount of conversations answered (tAnswered count) and subtract off the conversations that didn't meet the SLA threshold (nOverSla count).

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