Speech Analytics API download all transcripts for an interval

Dear Team,

Do you have any API which provides the downlaod url for all the transcript data for a particular interval.

I have a use case, where I need to download transcripts for all the conversation in a day. Right now I call below APIs in sequence. This takes lot of time to download for one day. Is there a better way to do this.

  • Call post_analytics_conversations_details_query to get all conversation for a particular interval

  • For each conversation get the communication id for participant customer by calling get_conversation

  • call get_speechandtextanalytics_conversation_communication_transcripturl by passing call id and communication id


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At this time, there is no API endpoint which allows to get all transcriptUrl using a single request.
I would suggest to request a new feature and share your use case at https://genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io/
This will put more visibility on this request and allow Product Management to track and to prioritize it.

But you could already reduce the number of API requests in your sequence.

The get_conversation part is not necessary - as you mention this is to get the communicationId of the customer's participant.
The communicationId is already available in the Conversation Details (as result of your post_analytics_conversations_details_query).

The communicationId corresponds to the id of the call/session for the first participant (i.e. customer's participant for an inbound call).

  • If you invoke GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId} (get_conversation), this will correspond to the "id" of the call (call object in the "calls" array) in the customer's participant element.
  • If you invoke GET /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details or POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query (post_analytics_conversations_details_query), this will correspond to the "sessionId" of the session (session object in "sessions" array, with "mediaType" = "voice") in the customer's participant element.

As a side note, some new transcript related API endpoints were released last week (April 21st 2021) - you can find the corresponding release notes here - Transcripts Aggregate Query and Transcript Search.
The /api/v2/analytics/conversations/transcripts/query (which brings back conversation details) could be interesting to have a look at - in case it can be useful to you.


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