Talk Segments calculation

The calculated average talk time using the formula "Talk time per interaction segment/# of talk segments" does not match the value displayed on the Queue Performance Dashboard.

We have few questions as below and we are looking for answers.

  1. How # of talk segments are calculating?
  2. Do we need to consider all kind of purpose or only Agent and user?
  3. If you can help us with an example case it would be really helpful.

Use export to see underlying values and test with math;

Use Conversation Aggregate Query to test;

The aggregate was grouped by

Userid, Queueid, Requestedroutingskillid, Direction, Mediatype, Requestedlanguageid, Activeskillid, Removedskillid, Usedrouting

Then resummarized for this test;

select DayOf, intervalBeginLocal,sum(a.tAnsweredCount) tAnsweredCount, sum(a.tHandleCount) tHandleCount,  sum(tTalkCompleteCount) tTalkCompleteCount, sum(tTalkCompleteSum) tTalkCompleteSum
from PureCloudMetrics_Flat a 
where a.dayof = '2024-04-24'
and a.queueId = 'redacted'
and a.mediaType = 'voice'
and a.direction = 'inbound'
group by DayOf, intervalBeginLocal
order by 1,2 

Thank you for the detailed explanation.
I am working on your explained solution. I would get back to you if any help needed Thank you