The SSL connection could not be established

I was wondering to why I am all of a sudden receiving this error? It has been randomly happening for the past few weeks, and this is causing us to not pull any data we need to insert into our db for our dashboard systems. There is no rhyme or reason to it though. This issue has not happened prior to September 2023. I attempted to manually make the api request and it started to occur inconsistently. A few requests worked and a few didnt

its happening for these following api requests
GetUsers(), PostAnalyticsUsersDetailsQuery(), PostToken()

It's almost certainly an error on your end or else we'd be suffering a platform outage for all customers. I would recommend working with your company's IT team to diagnose networking issues with your application/intranet/internet connection.

If you can track the cause of the problem to a server-side concern, please open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate.

will do, thank you very much Tim

I have touched base with our IT department and we have not been able to find any reasoning of this error. I did update our purecloud dll version considering we had an old version, thinking it would work but no luck. What I am noticing is that we make calls to those same api requests in different process' and they have no issue. But for some, it will throw an error. Running the jobs against localhost/postman is not producing this error though which complicates things more since we cannot debug and see any details about why this is happening.

Have you ran into this issue with any other customers at all? We will be opening a ticket with the support to see if there is anything they can do to assist us with this problem.

Other customers have had SSL problems. All instances that I'm aware of were problems with the customer's application and/or network. If you search this forum for "SSL", you'll find quite a few posts about client app issues with SSL.

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Alright I will take a look.

Also, I do have another question. I have the retryConfig setup, but I am not sure how that implements. If postToken() fails, should the request wait the set time in the RetryCOnfig object, then attempt to post it again?

RetryConfig = new ApiClient.RetryConfiguration()
MaxRetryTimeSec = 15,
RetryMax = 250,

No, the auth process does not use retry settings. Note that the SDK is open source; you can review the auth process here:

Hey Tim, after a lengthy conversation with my team, we decided to convert our entire process to not use the DLL because we could not figure out what was causing that SLL Connection issue and it was costing us more time trying to figure it out. I converted all the code to use a HttpClient object and receiving a HttpResponseMessage object back then converting it to the needed genesys object.

The only issue Im seeing now are when the adherence job is ran, we kept that using the Purecloud dll because of the use of the notifications api, receiving those talkbacks messages to let us know when the background job is complete. We are receving the error, but using HttpResponse method now, I get a more descriptive error. The odd thing is that its failing on GetAgents(), which does not use the DLL anymore.

Im not sure how converting the adherence process, to not use the DLL will work, since it requires the notifications api, but that would solve this issue once I can do that. have you encountered anyone who has attempted that, or know off the top of your head how that would work?

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