Time taken by an API call

We are seeing max duration of an API call is way higher than expected in Data Actions Performance Report.
We have a call flow which calls Web Service data action to call a third party API. This uses custom authentication. So first Data Action hits AWS lambda to get a token and uses that token to call the API.
When we check the API response time separately it is with in limit. How do I find out together token creation plus API call how much time it is taking from available reports. Is there a way from some Genesys API or workspace report provide this data? Is it possible to get this data per interaction?

You can see your available options here - POST /api/v2/analytics/actions/aggregates/query

Example Usage

  "groupBy": [
  "interval": "2024-08-21T00:00:00/2024-08-22T23:59:59",
  "granularity": "P1M",
  "timeZone": "UTC",
  "metrics": [

Adjust the group by to get the granularity you need but I don't think there's any version that gets down to the interaction level, but you could try reducing the granularity to smaller windows.

Thank You I will try this. Is there any way we can get it from Genesys Cloud workspace reports

Not that I am aware of.

Workspace reports were built for what were felt to be the most common scenarios, not flexibility.
The actions aggregate can create everything in the report and then some, but the report is the report and only does what it was built to do.

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