Timeout setting for Genesys Bot Connector postUtterance webhook


Is there a way to setup the timeout for HTTP POST (postUtterance webhook) sending from Genesys Bot Connector to custom bot?

Observed in testing, the frontend received error message "Error Type: BotTimeout , Error Message: The bot session has failed."" under circumstance the custom bot didn't respond to postUtterance webhook in 10 seconds.

// response (botconnector -> front)
"type": "message",
"class": "StructuredMessage",
"code": 200,
"body": {
"text": "봇을 호출하는 동안에 에러가 발생했습니다. Error Type: BotTimeout , Error Message: The bot session has failed.",
"direction": "Outbound",
"id": "7f46b94979568de7a7bab2db501f587a",
"channel": {
"time": "2022-06-29T08:28:18.048Z",
"type": "Private"
"type": "Text",
"metadata": {},
"originatingEntity": "Bot"

Trying to understand how long the timeout is set in Bot Connector and is it possible for GC user to update the settings?


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