User.start triggered only once

I am using `{id}.user.start" trigger to act when agent is getting an interaction
But if he doesn't answer or he transfers the call, the next agent dont trigger the{id}.user.start"


This room can help out if there is a configuration issue, for example what match criteria does this trigger have?

If the issue is that no notification is being sent for your trigger to match on, then you could either try asking about this behavior in this room:

or opening a support ticket if this behavior seems to be in error.


I checked more deeply and trigger is correctly trigered
The problem is that there is no information about the user relative to event{id}.user.start"

So we have 2 event user.start but with no way to know from which user
Do you have any clue?{id}.user.start documents both userId and participantId in the notification payload. Are you not getting those fields populated?

exactly, userid was not filled

Now, when i am testing, userid is correctly filled
Thank you for force me to double check this

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