Web Deployments API: Contract name change


The supportedContentProfile field in the AbstractWebDeployment class will be renamed to supportedContent. This change does not involve altering or removing any existing fields within the class. The new field, supportedContent, will include additional details in addition to the existing ID.

Change Category


Change Context

The SupportedContentProfile field, which is currently part of the AbstractWebDeployment class, will be renamed to supportedContent. Although this API is public, the affected field is not yet generally available and this feature is behind a feature toggle. API users attempting to access the field will receive a 501 error.

Change Impact

This change should have no impact on customers as there are no customers using this feature. The impact of this change is limited to the renaming of the supportedContentProfile field to supportedContent. No modifications or removals will be made to the existing fields.

Date of Change


Impacted APIs

GET, PUT, DELETE api/v2 /webdeployments/deployments/{deploymentId}
GET, POST api/v2 /webdeployments/deployments



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