Web Messaging: Deprecation of TokenStore interface in the Messenger Mobile Transport SDK


Web Messaging's Messenger Mobile Transport SDK is deprecating the TokenStore interface and recommends using Vault instead. Initial design of TokenStore was difficult to extend and in order to solve this issue, a new Vault interface was introduced. It will be available starting of Transport SDK version 2.4.0

TokenStore will continue to be supported, but will be removed with a major release of Transport SDK in the future.

Change Category


Change Context

The TokenStore interface has a design that is difficult to extend. To solve this issue we have introduced a new interface, Vault, which has much more flexibility.

Change Impact

The Transport SDK provides a DefaultTokenStore implementation that will be replaced with DefaultVault. This replacement will happen seamlessly to the customers. Customers that may be affected by the change are those that have their own implementation of the TokenStore interface. They will still be able to use their implementation, but a deprecation warning will be traced asking them to transition to the new Vault API. At this moment, we are not aware of any customer that has custom implementation of TokenStore.

Date of Change

Jun 22, 2023

Impacted APIs

Web Messaging's Messenger TokenStore interface



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