Webmessaging - hosted genesys.min.js locally


Just wondering , if anyone can advise, if there's any concern/risk , if in web messaging, i hosted genesys.min.js locally, so script will be as following:

(function (g, e, n, es, ys) {
g['_genesysJs'] = e;
g[e] = g[e] || function () {
(g[e].q = g[e].q || []).push(arguments)
g[e].t = 1 * new Date();
g[e].c = es;
ys = document.createElement('script'); ys.async = 1; ys.src = n; ys.charset = 'utf-8'; document.head.appendChild(ys);
})(window, 'Genesys', 'js/genesys.min.js', {
environment: 'apse2',

so not using this link: https://apps.mypurecloud.com.au/genesys-bootstrap/genesys.min.js

I have tested, the chat is working normally as it is, but just wondering if there's any concern if i setup like that.
I noticed in ChatV2, javascript referenced from genesys.min.js locally, so is it ok we applied same as chatV2 ?

Appreciate any advise.

Thank you

Hi @fransiska.hendra
That is not supported: the product is designed in a way that that most recent JS is compatible with most recent configuration. You might end-up with unexpected behavior by hosting locally.
Is there a specific use-case you're trying to solve? or just for internal testing?

hi @Angelo_Cicchitto ,

Thanks for response.

Yes, could you please advise this? So this for CHATBOT.
we currently having issue with production deployment, where webmessaging use CHATBOT, and customer implement this in iPhone App, and CHATBOT code injects The chatbot code injects a main scripts from https://apps.mypurecloud.com.au/genesys-bootstrap/genesys.min.js and in the this genesys.min.js more scripts injected from same domain (mypurecloud.com.au).
Customer can adding a whitelist rule to resolve this issue, but it requires an app deployment, and they tried to avoid this.

So alternatively we want to save a local copy of genesys.min.js to local server, including other js scripts inside genesys.min.js (so all referenced js inside genesys.min.js).

Could you please help advise ? if is there any alternative better solution for this? And the risk if we hosted this all js locally for CHATBOT, will gonna cause problem because product is designed to work with the most recent compatible configuration ?

Thank you

Not sure what you mean by "CHATBOT", whether that's a 3rd party product or Genesys Bot.
As a general comment, we don't support running our native messenger inside a Native Mobile App (via WebView). Messenger is supported only with Desktop and Mobile browsers.
For Mobile Apps, we have a headless Mobile Transport SDK (customers need to build messaging UI), or a Mobile Messenger SDK (including native UI) that is currently Beta available for React-Native, GA planned in 2023.


hi @Angelo_Cicchitto

Thanks for explanation, chatbot is using AmazonLex. With AmazonLex, is native webmessenger unable to run inside Native Mobile App (WebView) ?

Or doesnt matter what is the chatbot provider, but genesys native messenger not supported running in Native mobile App (WebView) ?

And instead need to build custom web messaging UI https://developer.genesys.cloud/commdigital/digital/webmessaging/messenger-transport-mobile-sdk/

Thank you

The choice of chatbot doesn't matter here: in any case, we don't formally support Messenger running in WebView, so Mobile Messenger SDK is recommended.

Hi @Angelo_Cicchitto

Thank you very much for all information, its clear now.


Following script I think doesn't work properly which is why we both are having similar issue with web messaging.

Hello @albertjoseph what issue are you experiencing with the script?

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