XML error: "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it"

The document tree is shown below.


Access Denied



Our IT department is trying to migrate the snippet we had created for TEST into PROD. When they paste the snippet into the tag they get the above message. This is also from our console:

Hi Eric,

Could you provide a little more detail on what you are trying to do here. Are you trying to call one of the Genesys Cloud APIs, use an UI integration, etc ???

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement

John, We are trying to call the Genesys web messenger on the new domain URL we created. We had a similar experience within this topic : We apologize but something unexpected happened. Please try again later

Hi Eric, I have a few questions here.

  1. You mention you are migrating from TEST to PROD. Is this still within the same Genesys Cloud org?
  2. Are you using the exact same Messenger deployment ID, or is this a new Messenger deployment?
  3. Does the domain of your PROD webpages match with any specified Allowed Domains on your Messenger deployment ID?

Thank you,
Chad Hansen

  1. You mention you are migrating from TEST to PROD. Is this still within the same Genesys Cloud org? Yes
  2. Are you using the exact same Messenger deployment ID, or is this a new Messenger deployment? Same one that we used in TEST
  3. Does the domain of your PROD webpages match with any specified Allowed Domains on your Messenger deployment ID? Yes

Thanks for the additional info Eric. I've reached out to you via email as I'd like to gather your deployment ID and have our teams take a look at what might be causing this.