Custom profile fields

Can you let me know if the custom profile fields are available via GET /api/v2/users ?

I can't seem to find a way to retrieve them.


it's only available from /api/v2/users/{userid}/profile?fl=*

Custom fields populate in an attribute named after their Section, nested under there.
So if you create a Section named Food and an field named Taco the path would be Root\Food\Taco

If you want just a specific section you can do;

And you can combine sections:


there is no bulk option that I have found and this method is both marked deprecated and undocumented, though it's also how the actual UI is obtaining the info when you load a user's page.

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It is very important to take note that the fl parameter is undocumented, which means that it is not meant for external consumption; the consequence is that its behavior may change at any time or it may be removed entirely without notice. I am not aware of a legitimate way to get this information. You may request new features and share your use case at

Specifically refer to where it's already been suggested a year ago with no signs of interest or traction;

Thanks for the info guys, I thought I couldn't see a way from the documented API. Would be good to add custom fields into the bulk api call in future.


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