How to get the secure pause time limit?

Good morning, :smiley:

I have another question from a co-worker today: he's working on a button to toggle secure pause in active conversations, and he noticed info in the docs about a time limit or something. He's been all over the docs, the forum, and the Network tab. The only related bit he found was this question, which never got an answer (but even that was kind of unrelated, something about some other API called sales force or something).

Anyway, in our app, we have a timer for wrap-up time, and that timer's countdown starts at a number that we get from the API. We were thinking we could do something similar for secure pause, but we need to know what the time limit is. I'm assuming it's something that is different from org to org, not a simple constant like 2 minutes or 30 seconds... but I could be wrong. Anyway, I've also looked in a few places, and poked around in the admin screen of Genesys, and haven't found anything related (though admittedly my research hasn't been quite as extensive as his). Does the API even have this time limit? Or maybe he misread something, and that is a thing a user wanted (and of course we could implement ourselves if a customer wanted that). But if there is a time limit for secure pause, and it isn't a constant, then we'll need to call... something... to find out what it is. Any ideas?

Are you seeing a secure pause timer in the product UI or docs somewhere? The docs seem to indicate that this is a manual process to turn off and back on: Pause an interaction's recording to protect sensitive information - Genesys Cloud Resource Center.

He said no, he didn't see a timer in the UI, or anything about one in the docs. Must have been a misunderstanding of an old forum post or something, as he was researching stuff. Happens to the best of us. Anyway, thanks for the quick response! :smiley:

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