Removal of legacy developer tools


The legacy developer tools located at have been replaced by the new tools located at and embedded throughout the site. The legacy tools are now officially deprecated. They will be removed on the effective date of change in this announcement.

Change Category


Change Context

The new developer tools provide an extended feature set and a native integrated experience within the Developer Center. The new tools were officially released in the May 25th release (May 25, 2022 - Genesys Cloud Resource Center).

Change Impact

Dev tool migrations:

Note: The code editor is being removed without a replacement. Users wishing to use a web-based JavaScript editor should use one of the many 3rd party services offering various runtimes, frameworks, and environments, such as (not an official Genesys endorsement).

Date of Change

Apr 03, 2023

Impacted APIs




I for one am going to miss the tabbed view of api calls. The favourites to the toolbox is nowhere near as efficient or easy to use when jumping between apis checking things.


Me too... I feel that the tabs are way more efficient and convenient...

Also, searching for a method feels more tedious to me, as they are grouped only by Category. And as those categories sections are unfolded by default too, it leads to a lot of scrolling...

As the original author I might be biased to the old dev tools too. They are all open source with a permissive (MIT) license. I intend to fork the repos and host them myself and make them freely available to all. I will post the link when they are available.

@TheRealKevinGlinski the repo won't be deleted, just the hosted app. The repo will be archived and left in place. However, I do strongly suggest working with a fork because the dependencies on the legacy tools are extremely out of date and some parts of the build need to be rewritten due to underlying tookit deprecations (e.g. broccoli).

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I will also miss the old tools, As a non developer, they were well laid out and easy to use. The Analytics Query Builder was a lifesaver, its a shame there's no equivalent in the new tools. The new API explorer is tedious, slow to load, and not visually intuitive. Goodbye old friend, youve been a lifesaver for us Non-devs

@Brains66 have you tried the new tools? For example, POST /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query. The helpers that the old tools had in a one-off interface have been integrated directly into the API Explorer tool. There's no more analytics query builder because API Explorer is the query builder. If there are specific features that you can't find in API Explorer, could you elaborate on what features are missing for you?

Hi @tim.smith , Im still getting to grips with them. I guess we have invested so much effort in the old tools that new ones have been avoided (ahhh the comfort zone effect). Appreciate the response. I will stand by the Slow to load comment though, filtering helps, but the default when opening the API explorer page is to load the whole list.

Can you clarify exactly what part of your experience is slow?

  1. Do you mean that you see the loading spinner for a long time? This UI queue is shown when the app is loading the OpenAPI definition, which is a 13MB file.
  2. Do you mean that the page is slow to update when filtering or interacting with the UI after the loading has completed?

For the first, your browser itself will cache this file to an extent, subject to your browser's settings. This allows it to load the file from its cache on disk when appropriate instead of downloading it every time. However, it's still a very large file and will take a noticeable amount of time to be loaded and parsed even when loaded from cache. Slow internet connections and lower end computers will see these effects exacerbated. I've suggested to product management that we simply have less products since it would be a lot less work for everyone and would reduce the number of API endpoints, but nobody seems keen on implementing this idea. :wink: So for now we're stuck with a large definition file that's going to cause a little pain to load. Changing that is a much larger scope than this discussion or API Explorer.

For the second, performance issues while using the app would be related to the app itself. I personally haven't noticed any particular issues with slowness after the initial load. If you have though, I'm definitely interested in hearing about it. Understanding more about your computer's specs in this case would be helpful as well.

Also, note that the Developer Center's frontend app (which includes the new dev tools, but not the old tools) is a single page app. So as long as you don't refresh the page, the OpenAPI definition stays loaded into memory and doesn't have to be reloaded as you navigate through the site. So you can go look at documentation and come back to API Explorer (or star the resource and open it in the toolbox!) without having to reload it.

Thanks again @tim.smith , Its the first part that slow, makes sense now that youve explained it. As you know clearing cache is part of the GC experience, more frequency is required when you are a partner with multiple orgs to manage. So this will impact this loading. Cheers, love your work :smile:

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