Removal: Historical Adherence Query route accross management units


In April 2023 we announced the deprecation of the historical adherence query across management units route: Deprecation: historical adherence query route across management units. This endpoint will be removed on or after 1-July-2024 in the following regions: Fedramp (us-east-2), Seoul (ap-northeast-2), Osaka (ap-northeast-3), Zurich (eu-central-2), UAE (me-central-1), São Paulo (sa-east-1). The endpoint will be removed in additional regions as usage stops.

Change Category


Change Context

Use of the old query route often resulted in the service being rate limited, slowing down the process and delaying results across the board. The new API allows developers to make fewer and more efficient requests for historical agent schedule adherence. This should create more consistent response times.

Change Impact

There will be no impact to customers at this time. The route is only being removed in regions that have no usage.

Date of Change

01 Jul 2024

Impacted APIs

POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence/historical

Replaced by:
POST /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence/historical/bulk
GET /api/v2/workforcemanagement/adherence/historical/bulk/jobs/{jobId}



I think it was already deprecated in 2023 Q4 .

We already started using new routes after the first announcement.

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