Secure Pause Recordings without being a conversation’s Participant


You can now secure pause (and resume) a conversation without having to being a participant in the conversation. A new set of endpoints in the Conversation API has been created for this:

  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/screenshares/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/socials/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/videos/{conversationId}/recordingstate
    Also, a new permission is now available:
  • Conversation > Recording > PauseOthers

To use these endpoints, simply be authenticated as an API user with this new permission. This enables you to programmatically secure pause and resume calls (or other kinds of conversations) based on certain external events, such as an agent accessing a certain 3rd-party CRM or billing screen where customer sensitive or payment information would be discussed.

Change Category

Informational, API

Change context

This is for upcoming GA release of WEM-449: Ability to Secure Pause Recording of Other User's Conversations.

Change impact

The existing endpoints to toggle Secure Pause for the respective channels, such as PATCH /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId} with recordingState as a parameter, will continue to work as-is. That is, you can use these existing endpoints to secure pause conversations, as long as the authenticated user has the existing permission Conversation > Recording > Pause and is one of the participants of the conversation.

Date of Change


Impacted APIs

  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/callbacks/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/chats/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/cobrowsesessions/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/emails/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/messages/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/screenshares/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/socials/{conversationId}/recordingstate
  • PUT /api/v2/conversations/videos/{conversationId}/recordingstate



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This means that these methods could be integrated in a IVR flow using a dataAction , so we can pause a converation if some sensitive data is requested.
If yes, is there any considetation to take into account to make them properly work.
Kind regards,

Yes, that's possible. Though if you are in an IVR Flow already, it probably makes more sense to use Secure Flow instead?

The idea to use this APIs and make secure pause in the IVR flow instead of use secure flow, is because the customer wants to mantain the recording paused in IVR and even if it is transfered to an agent, and it will be the agent the one to reactivate the recording form the secure pause button.
So if it is possible, is there additional configruation to be done in the Aaction so i t will work porperly? As described on the article I assume thtat the standard Action configuration and OATH authentication won't work,
Kind regards,

It should just work. Unlike other Conversation endpoints that enforces for participants, the new endpoint .../{conversationId}/recordingstate does not even require user context, as long as the OAuth Client is assigned a role that has the Conversation > Recording > PauseOthers permission. Give it a try.

These endpoints are not currently available in the API explorer. Could you check it please?

Please check the Preview APIs:

Thank you Becky!

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